The newly introduced product package A9 TRIX K includes the A9 TRIX unit version that has K-line for connecting to a digital tachograph D8 Info interface for getting tachograph real time data. The product package includes the unit with a K-line interface circuit and the necessary tacho option to activate the K-line interface. The K-line uses the unit’s 1-wire connector to connect to the digital tachograph D8 cable, so the 1-wire interface is not available in this product version. Other functionalities are the same as for the standard A9 TRIX product. A9 TRIX with K-Line unit is also programmable for custom applications through the use of the latest Java SDK that supports use of the K-line interface.
The digital tachograph based real time data (D8 data i.e. digital tachograph info interface data) that includes useful data from the vehicle, the vehicle identity number (VIN), the vehicle registration number, driver card identities and many others: tachograph time, vehicle speed, vehicle total distance, trip distance, tachograph status change events, driver IDs, work status changes, driver card insertion/removal events for both drivers etc.
It is possible to get this information to the back end system with Aplicom E protocol. The same information is also available for SDK developed applications. The tacho option included in the unit supports VDO, Stoneridge, Actia D8 real-time data protocols and it gives the information to the back end system and SDK users in a unified format so that no manufacturer specific handling of the data is needed.
Note that this D8 real time data is not the officially required data that the authorities require to be collected periodically. That data can be obtained by using Aplicom remote download RDL products with remote download capable digital tachographs.
Since the unit has different HW circuits in place for K-line use, it must be ordered from the factory as it is. The unit can be upgraded to include A9 TRIX K RDL functionality with the necessary SW options in order to offer also the RDL functionality. The D8 data is used with the RDL case to identify driver card reading times for obtaining the driver card data in the best possible way.
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