Professional Telematics made easy: Aplicom launches Aplicom Data Service, ADS.
ADS is a cloud-based, secure, store-and-forward service that delivers data from Aplicom A-series telematics devices via a REST API, in a parsed JSON format. The service uses a database for intermediate buffering of data. This ensures secure data transfer from every mobile unit to your organization without the need to set up your own communication server solution, or parse Aplicom binary protocols.
ADS supports all types of data delivered by Aplicom Telematics Software. For new Aplicom partners, this means quick and straightforward integration of Aplicom devices to any telematics solution. For current Aplicom partners, ADS allows new data sets to be added to your solutions more quickly and easily.
The service is managed directly using an admin portal, or through an API. Interface descriptions and developer documentation are available on the admin portal.
It is easy to get familiar with ADS. The service is free of charge for the first nine units, so you don’t need a separate test account to start testing.
Check out the details on our website, and contact Aplicom sales for a quote!
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