Remote download is a rapid, efficient way to access both archived and real-time tachograph data
EU regulations that govern digital collection and storage of data on drivers and vehicles have not been popular among heavy goods vehicle drivers, as they have increased their workload significantly. Our Aplicom Remote Download (RDL) solution offers you and your customers a significant reduction in the work required to monitor this type of data. Aplicom RDL solution is a monthly service available to Aplicom system partners.
Aplicom provides an interface to card readers and vehicle hardware, and includes Aplicom telematics units that can additionally be used for other telematics services.
Remote download of tachograph and vehicle telematics data is a unique all-in-one package available to Aplicom Partners. Aplicom’s RDL solution is a win-win situation for all participants in the value chain. Our mobile technology stack eliminates most of the manual work required to collect and act on usage data.
Our service complies with the regulations for the storage and monitoring of driver card and vehicle data. This service supports all major tachograph brands. Both archived and real-time tachograph data are also supported.
Users can skip the time-consuming process of using cards in the vehicle and in the office. Dispatcher work efficiency can also be improved via access to real-time information on drive times and working hours, allowing better optimization of task assignment. Working hour violations and their related fees can be avoided and assignments can be approved and invoiced accurately.
Please contact Aplicom Sales for further details.
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